Connecting with My Spiritual Team in Amalfi
I just came back from a wonderful time in Amalfi....
Money Loves a Purpose
A reader asked me how I collected evidence that “money loves a purpose.”
I couldn’t help but feel that pang of rejection….
To my love, Francesco, Aug 4 1976 - Dec 5 2020
I just came back from a wonderful time in Amalfi....
Many of my values shifted and habits changed....
I've spent my days being present to the moment....
It is hard to believe my own rebirth in the last year....
This past weekend we said goodbye to Francesco’s father, Antonio.
Seeing through the lens of abundance is a shift….
A reader asked me how I collected evidence that “money loves a purpose.”
Dear Francesco, So much has changed, but you still sparkle.
The last nine days I've been enjoying my mamma who came for a visit.
Things I knew for sure when Francesco died….
I was sharing in our Living Miraculously group last night….