There’s more to Life Than Thinking About Yourself

In life, relationships, and business

A 4-Week Course with Grace Kelly & Dr. Mark Howard

Join us for our 4-week course, There’s More To Life Than Thinking About Yourself in Life, Relationships and Business.

Mark and I are excited to offer more of our popular and valuable program.

Next group commences February 6th, 2025

wouldn’t you love to stop living in the feeling of being wrong or doing your life wrong and instead find true self-worth?

Then you're going to love what we have to share!

As we let go of thinking about ourselves our lives get richer

We let go of anxieties and unhappiness that come from thinking we should be different to how we are.

We drop out of habitual judgmental thoughts and silly beliefs that leave us stuck in self-doubt.

We move to a level of consciousness where we’re not worrying about ourselves and others so much.

As a result, your feelings of true self-worth and self-esteem emerge, your business improves too, and:

✨ You delight your customers.

✨ You connect with clients in a more impactful way.

✨ You open up to creativity to provide more ways that your business will become more attractive to customers.

✨ You revel in the joy of serving your clients rather than the self-doubt that keeps you procrastinating.

And of course,

✨ You follow your wisdom rather than thinking about yourself in a way that handcuffs your progress and responsiveness to the moment.

✨ You are calm and patient living in the flow of life.

✨ You awaken the happiness and well-being that you are meant to live in.

✨ You live in joy that deepens your love in relationships.

Join us for our 4-week program starting February 6th, 2025.

4 x 75-minute weekly live sessions. Recordings will be provided.

Thursdays at 8 a.m. US Pacific / 11 a.m. US Eastern / 4 p.m. UK

I participated in both rounds of Mark and Grace's There's More To Life Than Thinking About Yourself program in 2023. I treasured my time in this course, and it was something that I looked forward to doing every week.

Mark and Grace created such a beautiful, loving atmosphere for all of us. Even on Zoom, the course was an intimate experience, and I loved getting to know everyone in the group. We did an incredibly deep exploration of how the self-evaluation and self-judgment that we have all innocently done throughout our lives takes us away from our well-being and creativity. It's funny to say it, but there really and truly is more to life than thinking about myself! I am more able to see what life is offering me when I am not caught up in busy, habitual thinking about myself.

I also absolutely loved working with both Mark and Grace. Their quiet presence, wonderful sense of humor, and deep understanding make for a magical collaboration, and I had so many fresh insights throughout the course.

~ Karli Naglick

Join Us!

Full Price: £247

Early Bird Pricing (Save £150 when you join now): £97

You can either pay in full or pay two monthly payments of £59:

As we engage these 4 weeks together, you can expect to:

Let go of anxieties and unhappiness that come from thinking you should be different from how you are.

Replace self-consciousness with deep self-esteem and start to show up confidently in your profession, no longer holding back from ideas.

Drop out of habitual judgemental thoughts and silly beliefs that leave you stuck in self-doubt and hitting brick walls.

Become responsive to the moment, hearing your wisdom's guidance about what to do.

Stop worrying about your health so much and just enjoy your life.

Move to a higher level of consciousness where you're not so scattered and worrying about “getting it right”.

About Grace and Mark

Grace Kelly is a Transformational Coach helping clients start and grow their business in a low-tech, graceful way.

Formally a French teacher in London, Grace left her salary behind, moved to Italy and started an international coaching business that has allowed her to travel the world, hosting clients and luxury retreats.

Grace continues to enjoy a thriving business year after year, with lots of time to enjoy life.

Dr. Mark Howard is a licensed psychologist, who for most of his early life was struggling with anger and worry. In his search for a way to live in happiness and peace of mind, he tried lots of different therapies and spiritual practices that did not provide the answer.

Then in 1982, he was introduced to Sydney Banks, who had an insight about the principles of Mind, Thought and Consciousness. He saw that it is through these principles that all people create their emotions.

With an insight about the three principles, Mark changed. He realized he could be happy and so could his clients, their relationships, and all humankind.

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