Metabolising Grief

You are doing very well.

Go easy on yourself now.

For you are metabolising a great loss.

Try not to compare your loss, for it is no less valuable than anyone else's just because the circumstances look different.

Loss is Loss.

Some days you'll feel it more deeply than others.

You'll be washing the dishes and tears will start streaming or you'll be reminded of your love together, smiling at a thought and out of the blue the grief will hit.

For grief hits.

She's not subtle.

She gets our attention like no other emotion.

But when she hits you, try not to analyse why.

Try not to say, "I shouldn't be feeling like this."

Drop all resistance and judgement and let the feeling flow.

If you do this, grief will have space to come and go.

That's perfect metabolising.

And if you feel good in your grief, you're not being trite!

You're experiencing the real TRUTH about loss.

That there's nothing wrong.

All things change form.

And when Life feels challenging, like she's pushing you to the limit....

Remember it’s not.

Life loves you.

It's just gotten bumpy for awhile.

Ask for help rather than effort alone.

Your Spiritual Team are at your beck and call.

Remember to call.

Honour your energy levels at this time.

You'll be more tired, dear one.

You won't always notice this but the struggle, effort and low moods will let you know.

Time for more rest.

Time to back off any obligations and expectations and simply say "no."

All my love on your journey. 🩷


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