Light of My Heart
Francesco once asked me, “What does Celestino mean to you?"
And I replied....
“Celestino is the light of my heart."
I had no idea at the time how much light he would actually bring.
People say, “It’s just a dog...."
They aren’t attuned to loss.
Celestino has continued to give me love and comfort without expectation.
He has consistently guarded me in true Akita style.
This breed is very protective.
In fact, in Japan, when the Samurai went to war they left the Akitas in charge of the family.
In my world Fran left this Akita in charge of me.
When someone wasn’t worth it, Celestino made it known quickly.
And when he recognized someone from our past, gosh he made it known.
Jumping and licking and loving, very unusual for the Akita style.
"Celestino," people would ask, "why this name?"
Well, for Francesco and me he was the one in the litter wearing a blue collar every time.
Celeste in Italian for blue.
So when we got him, despite my arguments about another dog to care for...he was christened Celestino.
The Blue One.
The Celestial one.
The name of the pope from times gone by.
And wow did he become celestial!
He was with his master when Francesco suddenly died.
He was with me when I cried and cried.
He was with Hachiko (our older dog) when after a tumour, I had to put him down.
And he has consistently been there for me ever since, probably like no other human could.
For this he will always be the “light of my heart,” the true celestial being that my beloved insisted upon before he passed.❤️
Thank You & Happy Heavenly Birthday this month to my beloved....
Francesco 4 August 1975 - 5 December 2020 🩷