Celebrating My Birthday

My birthday started with waking from a dream where Francesco was present and had me in stitches laughing.

I had requested he be with me yesterday, that he “surprise and delight me,” and sure enough he did.

I woke up with the biggest smile.

Then my neighbour, a wee 90-year-old Nonna called me, said she had homemade cake and cherry liqueur for me.

What a treat and that became breakfast.

My mother's card arrived just on time as I was enjoying this treat and then my guy showed up with beautiful flowers and gifts.

In the evening friends organised a private dinner.

They knew I wanted to try a famous steakhouse, only it closes on Wednesday, yet they got the place to open just for us!

It was incredible and Celestino loved it too. ❤️

I am enjoying the turning of age.


Feeling good.

Less bursts of grief, more bursts of love.

More listening to True Self and being true to Self.

So grateful for the kind wishes from friends.


Metabolising Grief


Honouring My Departed Loved One