Money Loves a Purpose

A reader recently asked me how I collected evidence that “money loves a purpose."

I shared these examples with her....

I started my business in 2014, had no income and the price of getting started with a business coach was £6000. She asked if I had credit. I said, "No." Then I remembered as a schoolteacher in London the bank was always offering me a credit card, so I called the bank and indeed they said, “Yes, Miss Kelly, you have up to £6000 of credit you can use."

There was money (albeit hidden) for my purpose.

I immediately used that credit, despite my fears, knowing it was perfectly in order.

Another example: I was doing my apprenticeship with Michael Neill which cost $75,000. I didn’t have that to invest, and we worked out a payment plan, but travel expenses to all the places I was invited with him for coaching were extra, so for a year I had quite a big outgoing.

On one occasion I was due in NYC to see Michael for an event. I didn’t have the money in my account to be there but I had enough to book the flight and 2 nights hotel. I didn’t hesitate, and I did just that.

It was all I could do.

The day came for me to board the plane to go to NYC. A client I’d spoken to the day before said she’d like to proceed, but when I saw my account she hadn’t yet paid.

I got on the plane anyway, remembering money loves a purpose.

By the time I arrived stateside, her payment was through.

I learned through risk.

I learned by taking the first step following True Desire.

"Digging my ditches" despite what was tangibly available.

After my partner died I didn't feel much like working and coaching. I wondered how I would pay all my bills and keep enjoying my lifestyle.

I didn’t panic; I remembered money loves a purpose. Soon after, some friends asked me to sell their house for them and that they would give me the commission.

I had no experience in house sales but I trusted the Divine was offering me what was mine and I said, "YES."

Three days later I showed a couple their home and they bought it.

I received the commission for opening doors to a house and enjoyed more time off as a result.

My life experience has taught me that money loves a purpose.

We are guided to ideas and opportunities to fulfill that purpose.

Life knows our needs.

Our job is to relax, remain in joy, faith, expectancy, to follow any leads and take the first action step so the rest can come through.

This principle also works for bills, unexpected or not.

Hope these examples help you today, perhaps to see just how trustworthy life is to our dreams.


The Fight in All of Us


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