Dear Francesco

Dear Francesco,
Hachi’s mouth is bleeding on the walk today.
The tumour is growing and yet he’s showing signs of enjoyment.

Another lesson for us all that even in the face of pain there’s another way.

I’ve been taking him for his favourite ice cream, Fior Di Latte, and he loves it.

Today I slipped the anti-hemorrhage medicine into it and he downed it!

I can’t help but freak out when I see that blood.

But a thought occurred to me in the midst of my panic….

That is, in his final days and hours you’ll be fully there summoning him home and he will run to you with the biggest smile full of joy and love.

I’m not surprised there’s a tumour at this stage.

He wants back to you now and he’s aware his job as my guardian is almost done.

We don’t know how long he’s got .

Vet says September but I think longer.

You obsessed about his death for so long, you told me you weren’t sure you could bear the pain of being separated from him.

Death and dying was in the air.

Who knew it would be you first and then him?

Thank You for dying instantly and peacefully, I’m not sure I could have watched you suffer. I’m already freaking out at times with seeing blood and tumours in our beautiful boy.

It makes me grateful that you went the way you did.

Affirmative and fast.

Much like your decisions in life….

“Right, I’m getting that dog.”

“Right, we’re moving to Italy.”

“Right, it’s time for change.”

You never hesitated by pondering the possibilities.

Instead you affirmed your decisions when decisions were needed & you didn’t pussy foot around the rest.

Even now in our day to day connection I feel and hear your affirmative presence.

You speak directly to me in meditation and when a physical sign is needed to confirm you’re with me, you’re fast to let me know you’re here.

Be with us as we journey into this next phase with our little soulmate, Hachiko, comfort us from any unnecessary pain and help us remember the beauty, divinity and LOVE that’s waiting as he makes his return to you again.

I love you. 💖


Dear Francesco


Blame and Understanding