Dancing Fish
Every day is different for me as I navigate this loss but one thing is constant: Love is eternal, it goes far beyond the person’s physical presence on this earth.
Francesco continues to reveal his love to me daily.
My work is being alert to the signs.
Asking and allowing seem key.
Today I asked him to reveal himself to me, I wanted more of a physical sign.
I closed my eyes as I stood on the beach expecting him to be right with me.
On opening my eyes I was guided to the left of me where hundreds of little fish were suddenly jumping in the shallow water!
They were so close to me I could see the sparkle of their silver skin.
It was like he’d instructed them to dance for me.
This was my physical sign.
Such signs fill my empty cup, give me faith in something more than just the life we see here.
The arc of love blesses us all and those who’ve moved on are ready and waiting to answer our requests anytime.